Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

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Caring for Vulnerable Populations in Times of Crisis

This course offers guidance on how health care workers can identify, understand, …

Stigma and Discrimination in Healthcare Settings

This course dissects stigma and discrimination generally, and in healthcare provision specifically, …

Building Resilience While Navigating Grief and Loss

This course offers positive coping skills that will help you to build …

Psychological First Aid (PFA)

This one and one-half hour PFA course provides introductory information on how …

Resolving Patient Provider Stress Points

This course introduces the concept of the interlinked elements involved in healthcare …

Self-Care Strategies for Healthcare Providers

The goal of this course is to increase the ability of healthcare …

Supporting Children in Disasters

This course offers insight into the age-specific issues facing children in times …

Strategies for Improving Sleep During Stressful Times

This in-depth course highlights the problems associated with sleep in the healthcare …

Building Workplace Resilience During Crises & Disasters: A Guide

This course provides guidance on how clinical leadership staff can emotionally support …

Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care

In this three-hour course, we explore how trauma impacts individuals, organizations and …

Stress to Strength: Navigating Individual & Organizational Wellbeing in Crisis

During this 3-hour e-learning course, you will gain the knowledge and skills …

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Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP)

Este curso de una hora y media de PAP proporciona información introductoria …

Autocuidado para el Profesional de la Salud

El objetivo de este curso es aumentar la capacidad de los proveedores …

Apoyo a Niños y Niñas en Emergencias y Desastres

Este curso ofrece una visión sobre los problemas específicos de la edad …

Principios básicos de atención en crisis emocionales para primeros respondientes en el marco del conflicto armado

Este curso equipa a los primeros respondientes con estrategias para manejar crisis …

Principios básicos de atención en crisis emocionales para primeros respondientes en situaciones de postconflicto

Este curso ofrece herramientas clave para primeros respondientes que trabajan en contextos …

Del estrés a la solidez: bienestar individual y organizativo en los contextos de crisis

En este curso virtual de tres horas, adquiriremos el conocimiento y las …

Introducción a La Atención Informada en Trauma

En este curso de tres horas, estudiaremos la manera en la que …


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Health Equity Hub

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Climate & Disaster Resilience

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Health Communications

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Building Vaccine Confidence

This course offers the healthcare provider insight into the concerns of the …

Global Roster

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Americares Content Collection

Welcome to Americares training on Content Collection! In this course we will …

Global Readiness

All members of the Global Roster are required to complete these three trainings during Onboarding. With any questions, you can contact

  1. Personal Safety & Security  
  • Anticipated Completion Time: 2 hours 
  • Platform: Disaster Ready  (You will be brought to an external link and will have to register a UNDSS account)

        2.   Sexual Exploitation Awareness 

  • Anticipated Completion Time: 30 minutes 
  • Platform: InterAction 
  1. Stress & Resilience
  • Anticipated Completion Time: 90 minutes 
  • Platform: Headington Institute hosts over 1,500 online learning resources for humanitarian aid and development professionals. We recommend attending any free trainings you prefer, though Americares does not sponsor paid trainings.

88 Hamilton Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902
Inquiries: (203) 658-9500
Donations: (800) 905-1082

Americares is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (C) (3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Americares Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 061008595. Member of Reuters Alertnet. websites created, owned & operated by Americares Foundation. Stamford CT

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